Questions about the application...

Occasionally, the tool tips on the application are overlooked or the questions are misunderstood. Tool tips appear when you hover your mouse over the data entry fields for a few seconds. This page can be considered an all-in-one reference and expansion on them.

Who can see my application responses?

Our group admin Willowdreamer can see them. Your responses are not posted or visible for the entire group.

Wizard101 Central User ID

This is the display name that you use on the Wizard101 Central community. This is THE most important information you give us, because we will be unable to send you an invitation if it is incorrect or your account is not yet activated. BECAUSE THIS IS A WIZARD101CENTRAL SOCIAL GROUP, ALL COMMUNICATION WILL TAKE PLACE ON THAT SITE. Please login on and make a new post, either in the Welcome Forum or in one of the many other discussion sections.

Email Address

This is used only to send you a follow up if there is a problem with your Wizard101 Central User ID, or there is an error upon sending the invitation to join the Wizard101Central social group, and we cannot send you a message on that site. 

Date of Birth and Age

This information is used only to verify your adult status.


Tell us a little about yourself, such as; how you found the game, why you like to play, why you want to join us, and so forth. It need not be very personal (like real names, exact locations, etc)...or a novel.

Referred By:

We just want to know how you found us. Simply choose the best answer from the drop-down menu.


Whenever you play. We have no preferences regarding your schedule.


This is regarding what you intend to accomplish or your favorite activities in the game. If you like leveling, questing, pets, gardening, PVP, and so on. You can also let us know if you prefer socializing or solo play. Some members go through most of the game on their own (for the challenge or just because they like to), but would like to be able to team up with other adults for big boss runs and harder instance dungeons.

Member Agreement

Ideally, the answer needs to be "yes" because it's an acknowledgement of our Code of Conduct, Central's guidelines and the other things that appear in the list above this question. You can answer "no", but be warned that it can reduce your chances of being approved because it's akin to saying that you refuse to follow the guidelines and our Code. It is required that you answer this question one way or the other - the application should alert you if you've missed it.

Did my application go through?

A "thank you" or "confirmation" page should be displayed shortly after submitting the application if you wait a few seconds. When you see this, you can rest assured that your application will be received and reviewed as soon as possible (usually within 7-10 days). You will also receive an emailed confirmation. If you see that you made a mistake, please send LadyNightOwl a PM through Central with the reference # and correct information - it isn't necessary to reapply.

